Are you looking for the latest news about MVC Mobile VideoCommunication GmbH? In our press area you will find current news and detailed background information about our company. You will also find photo material, logo and texts to download.
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MVC Innovation Day 2019
Below you will find the PDF for the MVC Innovation Day. Part of the content: Text, photo Dr. Sven Damberger, MVC logo and photo of the location.
About MVC
MVC is a leading full-service provider of video conferencing solutions and unified communications for customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Founded in 1994 by Tony Kula, the company works with IT managers, CIO’s, DAX30 planners and top midsize companies to deliver a simple, highly available, secure and DSGVO compliant communications solution.
With over two decades of experience and over 1,000 customers, MVC is one of the most experienced partners on the market. The portfolio includes consulting, conception and implementation as well as comprehensive services – also from the cloud – all from a single source.
Founded in 1994 by Tony Kula, the company works with IT managers, CIO’s, DAX30 planners and top midsize companies to deliver a simple, highly available, secure and DSGVO compliant communications solution.
With over two decades of experience and over 1,000 customers, MVC is one of the most experienced partners on the market. The portfolio includes consulting, conception and implementation as well as comprehensive services – also from the cloud – all from a single source.